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Postdoc in Fairness & Market design

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To be held on 24th-28th June 2024 at the University of Lorraine, Metz, France, and featuring a 3-day summer school with a 2-day workshop, mixing the three most important fields of Game theory: Mathematics, Computer Science, and Economics. Inscriptions are closed. Thanks a lot to all applicants. Check up the website for more info.

Parisian Game Theory Junior Seminar

Join us in the PhD student and Postdoc game theory seminar at Institute Henry Poincare twice a month on mondays at 10am. If you are interested in presenting your work please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the other organisers.
Next presentation, Monday March 25th, where I'll be presenting my current work on Fairness in Bipartite Matching. We hope to see you !

Felipe Garrido-Lucero

I am currently a postdoc researcher in Market design & Fairness at FAIRPLAY, joint team between INRIA, IP Paris (ENSAE and Ecole Polytechnique), and Criteo.

In 2022 I defended my Ph.D. thesis (document) in Computer Sciences from Université Paris Dauphine - PSL, advised by Rida Laraki. During the same year I spent three months doing a visiting period at LUISS university, Rome, Italy, to work with Marco Scarsini. Previously to my PhD I did a Master 2 in Optimization at Université Paris-Sud.

Before coming to France I did a Bachelor and a Master of Engineering Sciences in Applied Mathematics at Universidad de Chile, where I got advised by Roberto Cominetti.

I am a very enthusiastic and cheerful person, ukulele player, bike lover, football superfan, always available to share a nice moment around a coffee.

Detailed CV (English) Detailed CV (French)

Artificial intelligence, Fairness, Algorithmic Game Theory, Market design, Matching

Papers under revision

- Garrido-Lucero, F., & Laraki, R. (2024). Stable Matching Games (PDF). Previous versions were accepted as Posters in EC'21 and AAMAS'22
- Castera, R., Garrido-Lucero, F., Molina, M., Mauras, S., Loiseau, P., & Perchet, V. (2024). The Price of Fairness in Bipartite Matching (PDF)
- Garrido-Lucero, F., Heymann, B., Vono, M., Loiseau, P., & Perchet, V. (2023). DU-Shapley: A Shapley Value Proxy for Efficient Dataset Valuation (PDF)


- Garrido-Lucero, F., & Laraki, R. (2021). EPTAS for stable allocations in matching games (PDF)

Conference papers

- F. Garrido-Lucero, O. Beaude and C. Wan, "Analysis and design of a self-consumption community: a game-theoretic approach" (Abstract). Accepted in EEEIC'19

ENSAE (2022-2023)

Game Theory (2 times) (link)
Linear time series (link)

LUISS University (2022)

Games and Strategies (link)

Université Paris Dauphine (2019 - 2022)

Tools in Computer Sciences (link)
Algorithms and Programming 3 (2 times) (link)
Algorithms in Graphs (link)
Introduction to Machine Learning (link)
Machine Learning and Applications (2 times) (link)
Game Theory [Lecturer and TA] (link)

Universidad de Chile (2013 - 2017)

Introduction to Algebra (3 times) (link)
Introduction to Calculus [Lecturer and TA] (link)
Linear Algebra (link)
Calculus in Higher Dimensions (link)
Advanced Calculus (4 times) (link)
Optimization (link)
Functional Analysis (link)

Get In Touch With Me
Email Address

felipe [dot] garrido-lucero [at] ensae [dot] fr


ENSAE, 5 Av. Le Chatelier, 91120 Palaiseau. Office 3033